Italian food and beverage exports to China fell by 11.9% in January, 2020 due to the beginning of the coronavirus emergency. In fact, this has slowed consumption and trade flows in the Asian giant given the limitations on the transport of people and goods. This is what emerges from an analysis by Coldiretti on the basis of ISTAT data.
Before that, exports of Made in Italy food and beverages to China had set a record in 2019 - for an estimated value of 460 million euros - growing by 5% thanks to the progressive opening of the Asian giant to Western lifestyles. Italy’s wine is paying a heavy bill, but there are also difficulties for exports of fresh fruit and vegetables.
“What is really worrying - says the President of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini - is ongoing speculation on Italian food products. In some countries, additional health certifications on goods, such as fruit and vegetables from Italy, are being asked for no reason. We need the intervention of national and EU authorities to stop these senseless practices that risk making Italy lose important market shares. This is due to unfair competition, that aims to discredit Italian products that are as healthy and guaranteed as always” - Prandini says.