Gorgonzola PDO is among the first Italian GIs protected in China

After being signed last September, the trade agreement between China and the European Union to protect European PDOs and PGIs in the Chinese market has officially come into force. Gorgonzola PDO cheese is among the first 26 Italian products included in the agreement which, for the next four years, will guarantee legal protection from imitations and misuse of the product name in China.

Click here to discover the authentic Gorgonzola PDO cheese on Italianfood.net platform

According to the president of the Consortium for the protection of Gorgonzola PDO, Antonio Auricchio, “the agreement further strengthens the registration of the ‘Gorgonzola’ trademark that took place in 2014. It will also generate further commercial advantages for our companies exporting to China, as well as allowing Chinese consumers access to products whose quality is guaranteed. This is the best way to fight Italian Sounding.” 

Click here to discover the Gorgonzola cheese Consortium’s member companies

China is a market with a great growth potential. Last year it was the third destination for EU agri-food products; exports were worth 16.3 billion euros (data as of November 2020).