According to the results of the recent laboratory research of the German magazine Öko-Test - specialized in ecological quality tests on goods and services – Italy’s Pomìto (the German version of Pomì) is one of the best tomato purees on the shelves of large-scale retail trade in Germany.
The test carried out on about 50 tomato purees, 40 of which of Italian origin, analyzed not only the taste and flavor of the products but above all the presence of mold, pesticides and other quality flaws. It also assessed the transparency of the origin of tomatoes and producers, the guarantee of fair working conditions within the supply chain and the efforts made for sustainable irrigation.
Pomìto showed no traces of pesticides but an excellent quality of the raw material, transparency on both the origin of tomatoes and farmers, combined with excellent performance in terms of water saving. This is why it obtained a very good overall evaluation, ranking among the best products among red preserves and sauces.
The Consorzio Casalasco del Pomodoro (Casalasco Tomato Consortium), owner of the Pomì and Pomìto brands, has been working for years to ensure increasingly safe raw materials and a lower impact of its member companies’ activities on the environment. In addition, it is committed to spreading throughout the supply chain an ethical management model, based on the respect and dissemination of rules to protect human rights and workers.
The Consortium (to which the De Rica brand also belongs) is the leading Italian chain in the cultivation and processing of tomato derivatives. Today it is made of 370 associated farms that cultivate 7,000 hectares of land located in the Po Valley, between the provinces of Cremona, Parma, Piacenza and Mantua. A land that today allows the over 560,000 tons of fresh tomatoes harvested to be processed in three plants owned by the cooperative. Its products are exported to 60