Since he took over the family business seven years ago, the company has grown from 10 hectares to 150 hectares, 50 of which are dedicated to industrial-scale basil production. Born in Parma in 1996, Filippo Carrara is a perfect example of generational change and a commendable entrepreneurial spirit.
The farmer was able to benefit from the Agrimanager project, which is promoted by EmilBanca and Agri2000. "When I assumed control of the farm seven years ago, I was responsible for 10 hectares of cultivated land. My grandfather had always specialised in the cultivation of industrial tomatoes, a crop that is widely grown in this region. I explored the possibility of expansion while maintaining a focus on industrial cultivation. I identified basil as a potential opportunity for expansion. It can be mechanised to a large extent, but it is cultivated and managed as a small-scale, high-quality crop. This is because the companies that use it rightfully expect maximum freshness and aroma."
The harvester was constructed according to the specifications set out by Filippo Carrara. Carrara has six customers that are among the most established companies in the sector. "My background is in economics and commerce, and I have always been passionate about farming," he continues. "The cultivation of basil presented an opportunity for me because obtaining quality in the open field is a constant challenge. This year, our company produced 3,000 tonnes of basil leaves, with an average price of approximately 550 euros per tonne. However, there were fluctuations depending on various parameters and conditions."
In the open field basil cycle, sowing takes place from the middle of April to the end of June in order to have a gradual harvest. The first mowing starts around mid-June and continues until early October. "This year, yields and quality were very good until mid-September. Then heavy rain caused some problems, but we cannot complain," he says.
For quality reasons, Carrara harvests only under special conditions. "The best time is at dawn and dusk, as this allows for the preservation of the maximum aroma and colour. The harvest then has to be done in time: it leaves the field and arrives at the food company within a few hours."
Emilbanca supports and encourages entrepreneurs like Carrara: "Filippo has a truly commendable passion and entrepreneurial spirit," says Andrea Caleffi, Emilbanca's agri-food reference, "He is an example of generational change." For more information: